And it is regarding our Holy God that our site, Real Jew News, is trying to affirm and defend the honour of. Let’s stay united as a family, for it is in unity that we will defeat the Zionist Jews. I now have my work cut out for me, as I have to go through every single art...
The Judgment of the Apex Court of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is remarkable in every sense. The Judgment of the final court of appeal is a great example of the importance of honouring and respecting Human Dignity. Unfortunately, the Judgment which was awarded to an Indian businessman, ...
Did you know half a million of them were murdered for the crime of speaking German? That Children were lined up and shot? “Well over 2 million women and children were raped at the end of the war. Many of them died or killed themself as a result.” In Czechoslovakia, they lined ...
A couple of years ago, when Sandi Thom released her first hit single in a whirlwind of dodgy claims about webcasts from a Tooting basement, we stuck the single sleeve to the office wall as an example of terrible pop music and wrotea 'hilarious' guide to Sandi Thom's Tooting. Anyway, in...
Crime Fighting Post Is a Real Honour; Pete Price He Does Feel Better after a Good RantLiverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)
The first I renember was her awarding a “certificate of honour” to Martin McGuinness a life long member of the IRA terrorist organisation, and later “one of the boys” politicians for Sinn Fein. Then further was the e-cigarette sales ban… E-cigarettes have been found as ...
Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk. — Doug Larson If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies. — Moshe Dayan Talk Image Quotes Some people think I'm unhappy, but I'm not. I just...
Someone then begins a dilemma with , “Either the use of legs is optional to human life, or ….” We can see that the term ‘optional’ is not the right word to use in this situation. It treats a human being (i.e. a living substance) like an automobile or a washing machine, ...
People often post statistics like these, but what I’d be really interested in is the effective number of bits that passwords provide and the pdf and cdf of that information. For example a 6 character, all lower case password has about 28.2 bits worth of security. A six character password...
Now, this is just one small example, but if more people like you would prefer a car with 4 cyl. and not with 8, this would already make a difference – and influence the “holy market” to “react”. The consumer – acting as “group” ist a very powerful one. Now, the “good ...