Real-World Insights & Life Science Analytics Congress Bringing two worlds together October 23, 2018 in Boston, MA 20 years of DoPE From better prediction to transparent outcome evaluation with advanced analytics Jeremy Rassen, Sc.D. October 23, 2018 in Boston, MA ...
During homologous recombination, Rad51 forms a nucleoprotein filament on single-stranded DNA to promote DNA strand exchange. This filament binds to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), searches for homology, and promotes transfer of the complementary strand, pro
Give examples of at least 3 different chemical reactions that you encounter in your daily life. Describe how to prepare the following two solutions. Include the type of glassware which to be used and as much detail as necessary for someone to ac...
We also validate real-life applications in both sulphite and kraft pulping, defining the chemical composition of the pulp24,25. Moreover, we demonstrate how p-HTEA can be applied to dynamically monitor enzymatic degradation of cellulose in real-time, a method highly relevant in the production ...
Management of Grass Pollen Allergy with 5-Grass Pollen Tablet: Results of a 2-Year Real-Life Study Download PDF Kija Shah-Hosseini, Eva-Maria Krudewig, Meike Hadler, Efstrathios Karagiannis & Ralph Mösges 2463 Accesses 11 Citations 1 Altmetric Explore all metrics ...
Socioeconomic analysis highlighted values generated along the entire supply chain, and life cycle assessment pointed out that lipid extraction was the most challenging step: implementation of more sustainable methods is thus needed to reduce the overall environmental impact of the proposed chain. In ...
We therefore regularly test the reagents directly in our UQPCR mixture with a titration curve of dT- or dU-containing fragments. In the experiment shown in Figure 1B, after a 15-min incubation, the amplification efficiency was 96% ± 2% and the ΔCp (Cp, the number of cycles required ...
decomposes in a coating layer to generate carbon dioxide which evaporates from the applied curing coating layer and a strong base which starts the RMA crosslinking reaction. The catalyst provides long pot-life and at the same time a high reactivity when applied as a coating layer where CO2 can...
this study was subject to limitations of its retrospective observational methodology, including potential missing data, possible information bias, small sample size and lack of control group. Moreover, quality of life was not formerly assessed, which could have provided more comprehensive information on...
sensor layer, and limited lifetime are shortcomings of oxygen optrodes [8,9] but can be overcome by adequate protective lay- ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 971 173 261. E-mail address: (V. Cerdà). ers on the sensor [10]. Alternatively, the use of cyclic...