The Titanic's Structure By the time of the crew's discovery, 73 years had passed since the Titanic left on its doomed maiden voyage to New York. After the liner sank, would-be treasure hunters had proposed using everything from electromagnets to nylon balloons to raise it from the depths....
Take, for example, the Titanic Passengers dataset. The classification tree algorithm first seeks the best input feature to split on, such that the resulting leaf nodes contain passengers who either mostly lived or mostly died. In this case, the best split is on the sex (male/female) of the...
CNN, Fox and the other CIA based LieNews organizations continue the deception by ceasing to show images of the ensuing battles, bombings, bloodied kids, and infernos still raging on in Iraq - Just happy people hugging pictures of George Bush. Guess where these underprivileged Iraqis got their...
The German investigators should now first evaluate the images of the “Sea Cat” underwater drone. A larger crater, indicating a massive explosion, is said to be visible on it. In addition, the pipeline is said to be completely disrupted over a longer length, possibly because the current was...
Titanic maiden voyage (Venus).Not surprisingly, the world’s most famous shipwreck also involved 27 degree Pisces. In mundane astrology, Venus represents lives and property. More than half of the Titanic’s passengers perished at sea when it sank on its maiden voyage. Her cargo spilled into th...
Carlo Allegri/Getty Images "Freaky Friday" follows a mother and daughter who magically switch bodies and come to understand one another better after literally spending some time in each other's shoes. It's an easily repeatable formula, as evidenced by the multiple versions of the movie released...
Bonnie: The digital part was the most challenging because the book is a fully illustrated color children’s book. I wish I had known previously the process of what happens to the images when converted to digital and the nuances required for the different digital readers. ...
I dragged the girls into the house and ran back to make a futile attempt to seize Huck. The bear took off into the forest with Huck on his heels. No voice left, I gasped “COME BACK!” with my last remaining breath like like Kate Winslet calling to the rescue boat in Titanic. I ...