Recent researchers have neglected the fact to reduce the noise effects which appears at the output image. But this research work has included WIENER filter to reduce the noise effects present in the output.S.L.BharathiR.NagalakshmiA.S.Raghavi...
P. Rani, S. Verma, G. N. Nguyen Mitigation of black hole and gray hole attack using swarm inspired algorithm with artificial neural network IEEE Access, 8 (2020), pp. 121755-121764 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 20. U. Sri Lakshmi, S. A. Alghamdi, V. A. Vuyyuru, N. Veeraia...
A Python-based script was developed (flowchart in Figure 1) in such a way that when the camera captures the image, the image was passed through the object detection YOLOv5 model to count the number of MPs in the image. If any MP was detected, the pixel coordinates of the detected MP ...