The article reports on the plan of American Broadcasting Co. (ABC) to launch the reality series "Shaq Vs.," starring Shaquille O'Neal in Los Angeles, California. O'Neal is expected to compete agains...
Alleged Match-Fixing in the National Basketball Association Western Conference Finals of 2002 A lot of controversial calls by the referees allowed the Lakers to win the game and eventually the series. As the Lakers were about to get eliminated,......
Real Estate Exam Prep Express prepares you for the specific topics in YOUR state's license exam. Our inside knowledge of what's covered — combined with our prop…
Figure 1. Four cases of requests for data items at time stamp φ 11with rightward timelines.. (a) φ 11 ď≤ θ 1111 ă< φ 22,,sseennssoorrddaatataatatimtime eφ1 i1s aicscaecscsesdsefrdomfrotmhe tfihrestfidrastadraetqaureesqt,uwesit,hwniothdenloaydeedladyaetda doratianvo...
TThhee aaccoouussttiicc ssccaatttteerriinngg ooff tthhee ttaarrggeett ccaann bbee ccoonnssiiddeerreedd aa lliinneeaarr ssyysstteemm oorr ttaarrggeett ssccaatttteerriinngg cchhaannnneell,, tthhee iinncciiddeennttssiiggnnaall iiss tthhee ssyysstteemmiinnppuutt,, aanndd tthhee eecchhoo ...
The author reports that Miami Heat All-Star basketball player Shaquille O'Neal has formed the O'Neal Group, a real estate and development company. The O'Neal Group will collaborate with MDM Development to build resid...
The article focuses on the Tweetup idea of the basketball team Phoenix Suns in the U.S. which is developed by the team's public relations (PR) and digital media personnel. According to the article, Amy Martin, the team's director of digital media and research, saw the potential of Twitt...
The article reports that the British paper manufacturer M-real UK will achieve Chain-of-Custody certification for all its mills in 2005. All its mills will use only wood and pulp sourced from forests covered by forest management...