Remember to click here for a detailed Spring Cleaning Checklist! WORD | PDF Other important items (while your at it): Update important documents in safe or safety deposit box Update emergency plans and phone trees Review emergency plans with family members Review all medications in your household...
I just voted early in NC without an ID. Here are all the things I was surprised by. You can vote early. If you can vote early, why would you vote on any other day? As far as I can tell, there is no downside to voting early, unless you want to wait in long lines. If you’...
CONSORT Statement) [94], but also for their pragmatic counterparts (CONSORT Statement extension) [95], for observational studies in epidemiology (e.g., STROBE statement) [96] and, more specifically, for pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance studies (EMA-ENCePP checklist for study protocols...
Patient Information Leaflet; S3: List of study sites; S4: Description of intervention package (as planned) based on the TIDieR (Template for Intervention Description and Replication) Checklist; S5: Feedback Report example to intervention pharmacies; S6: Experimental bundled payment model for USFarmáci...