Starting May 7, 2025,the REAL ID Act takes full effect. From this date, every state and territory resident will need to present a REAL ID-compliant license or ID or another acceptable form of identification such as a passport or passport card to access federal facilities — including boarding...
2020年10月1日:法案第四阶段起效,至此“REAL ID”完全起效,各州无法再申请extension,未满足REAL ID的州驾照无法用于机场安检。 之所以最近各州媒体会聚焦到REAL ID法案,原因还是第三阶段的截止日期快到了,而部分州的驾照还没有达到“REAL ID Compliant”状态,并且还没有成功申请到2020年的extension——所以按照规定这...
判断是否需要申请真实身份证,可以通过查看国土安全部的网站,获得美国各州Real ID Act的实施进展情况。 绿色的州 Compliant:表示已经符合Real ID Act的标准,这些州或地区的居民可以凭借现在的驾照搭乘国内航班。 黄色的州 Extension:该州居民在2020年10月1日前的某一特定日期才能符合Real...
For a full list of REAL ID-compliant identification cards, check out theTSA’s official website. Anyone who is unable to produce a valid REAL ID-complaint identification card will be unable to board their flight – throwing a wrench into existing travel programs. ...
【2022.12 更新】根据 TAS 消息,Real ID 的生效时间继续延迟,延期到 2025 年 5 月 7 日。在此之前,一般驾照还是可以继续拿来当乘机的 travel id 用。 官网链接 BeginningMay 7, 2025, every air traveler 18 years of age and older will need a REAL ID-compliant driver’s...
三、我所在的美国城市不需要开车,我要如何取得类似驾照的 ID ? 美国是一个「车轮上的国家」,汽车比自行车还普遍。 大大小小的超市、饭店、购物中心距离都比较远,即使有自行车,也会骑上很久才能到达一个超市或饭店,有车的话,就如同我们在城市中有了「腿」,一瞬间我们的活动范围就扩大了很多。 并且,有了一张驾照...
How Do I Know If I Have a REAL ID? Luckily, this is very easy to determine. REAL ID compliant cards are marked with a star in the upper right corner as well as additional security features, while standard driver’s license and identification cards do not have them. ...
“Travelers who are 18 years and older will need to show a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or identification card, or another acceptable form of identification to the TSA officer at the security checkpoint in order to be able to fly,” said Dankers. “TSA accepts multip...
BE REAL ID READY BY MAY 7, 2025ARE YOU REAL ID READY? Starting MAY 7, 2025, U.S. travelers 18+ using a state-issued identification card as proof of identity must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal and DOD facilities. WHAT IS REAL ID? It’s ...
"This extension will give states needed time to ensure their residents can obtain a REAL ID-compliant license or identification card," said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. "DHS will also use this time to implement innovations to make the process more efficient and accessible."...