I do want to convey an important message to this and all future lottery winners. Please note that this message isn’t from me. It comes courtesy ofa famous post on Redditthat is frequently re-visited every time the lottery jackpot gets very bit. ...
When it comes to real-life paranormal stories, Reddit is the gift that keeps on giving (and giving, and then giving some more). Whether that's a good thing is up to you; if you're the type to lie awake for hours in a carefully-crafted blanket…
The Hole is the Church of Scientology’s prison compound. It’s a place that’s at the center of the church’s most notoriousstories. There are rumors of people being beaten, starved, and brainwashed inside, and that might be just what happened to one Reddit user who calls himself “CB...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Loading... Portraits of the Artist: Actress Linda Lavin and ‘A Short History of Decay’ 14WednesdayMay 2014 PostedbythemidlifesecondwifeinInspiring Women,Portraits of the Artist,Relationships and Family Life,The Cultured Life,Transitions ...
Hey, guys. A little birdy recently told me that y'all like creepy stuff, and hey, guess what? I do, too! So in order to start your weekend off right, I've combed the latest AskReddit threads about real life creepy stories and assembled a “greatest hits”...
12 real-life first date horror stories — from one date who pooped their pants to another who was openly sexistSara Hendricks
From Redditor /u/ShutterSpook: We had problems with doppelgangers at a fast food joint that I worked at. I had two separate sightings myself. First: My general manager comes by to tell me (in drive-thru) and the register person to clean the lobby, then goes to the restroom....
The Best Horror Movies About Psychic Powers Vote 11 Family Members Showing Up At Home From Redditor /u/shubbykins: The first one was my husband. I turned into the hallway and saw him there, walking away from me and towards the bedroom at the opposite end. I called to him, bu...
Reddit Email Twitter Facebook Pinterest Posted in ANCEDOTES & STORIES, CAREER EXPERIENCE, FILM HISTORY, FILM TECHNOLOGY, FILMS Tags: Chuck Vincent, Gerry Damiano, Joe D'Amoto, Kemal Horulu, Larry Revene, Radley Metzger, Richard Milner, Rick Marx, Roger Watkins, Ron Sullivan, Vince Benedetti ...
Tegan recognizes how vastly different being a public figure would feel in the 1990s; for one major reason she’s grateful the duo did make waves before information was tweeted and dissected on Reddit. The sisters built relationships with their loyal queer following offline, through more...