Making this as a test. Its my musket sounds which are literally just actual gunshots. Also blunt weapons now make a bonk sound. Bababoey
Gun Sounds: Real Gun Simulator 3D is the Lightsaber Taser Gun Prank Simulator, Time Bomb 3D Gun Sounds, Shot Gun Firing Simulator & Gun Sounds Simulator with Am…
This weapons simulator has large collection of shots sounds almost from all types of weapons. These gun sounds contain most realistic simulation of weapons. All…
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Real Gun Sounds游戏简介 枪声响应用程序包括所有流行的枪支包括猎枪,AK-47,法码斯,M4A1,疤痕H,焦油21,泛铝,M16A4,ACR,F2000,闵乌兹,P90,矢量,Ump5k,MP5K,L86的真棒和良好的质量收集LWS,RPD,MG4 8月横条,M240,干预,巴雷特50加州,佤族2000年,M14 / M21,AA 12,用自己的声音一起狙击。它们是目前世界上最流行...
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Real Gun Shot - Sounds游戏简介 ►实枪射击 - 声音的手机变成一把枪。最真实的声音模拟器。►实枪射击 - 声音的模糊数字和物理之间的界限,Weaphones结合这两个以创建一个完全互动的现实世界的经验。关掉安全,加载该杂志,机架幻灯片和火,都不必叫的警察。►实枪射击 - 声音不要只是玩游戏,抓住你的设备,它...