From Redditor /u/AngelEyes4294: Someone (allegedly) killed themselves in our parking lot at work. Ever since they did some major reconstruction around five years ago, plenty of employees tell stories about odd or weird things happening to them. We also believe that the ghost onl...
From Redditor /u/AngelEyes4294: Someone (allegedly) killed themselves in our parking lot at work. Ever since they did some major reconstruction around five years ago, plenty of employees tell stories about odd or weird things happening to them. We also believe that the ghost onl... We are also getting reports of Polish troops in the non-Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine. This means a de facto partition of former Ukraine and an end to plans for ...
All victims perished within 48 hours of sudden illnesses and loss of blood, and Blagojovitch’s wife swore the ghost of her husband visited her asking for food (or shoes, in other versions of the tale). Locals armed themselves with garlic, known as an insect repellent with ...
Some time ago, Redditor ghostofgenerayburn asked people to share the most ‘Karen’ things someone has ever done to them. Over time, their post received over 1,5K comments packed with crazy Karen stories, many of which detail what actions make you a ‘Karen.’ With that in mind, we’...
6The Sleep As Android Ghost A single mother posted on Reddit that she’d been using the “Sleep As Android” app to help her get a more restfulsleep. She’d turn on a feature that would start recording whenever it heard nighttime noises, wanting to see if she was talking in her sleep...
Share on Reddit. Share until those that don't vote 2019-08-14 20:58:01 0 Colorado Springs, CO 186 184 1161743802605985798 RT @postpossible: Anyone looking to connect with other #entrepreneurs / content creators in their niche? Looking...
which is coincidentally the exact way a dog speaking in the tongue of man would tell you to do it. The only whimsical thing in this game is your ghost's cartoon eyes, at least until theydetach from your head. They should have released this game simply to have marketing statistics on whi...
facebook twitter Reddit 7.37 Rating:7.37/10 based on 51 votes cast. Report Broken Documentary Mystery / 15 Comments On 13 November 1974, police discovered six members of the De Feo family shot dead; the father, mother and four of the five children, at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New ...
So recently, like many, I've been pretty sucked into playing Red Dead Redemption 2. Yes, sometimes I like to sit around, be lazy and enjoy video games. So anyway, as I was playing, it got me to thinking about many of the ghost towns I have photographed o