American troops were told to ignore the rape and abuse of children by Afghan security forces they were partnered with, according to a report released Thursday by the Pentagon’s inspector general. “In some cases, the interviewees explained that they, or someone whom they knew, were told that...
in an interview on january 15. but on january 23, day three of the fledgling trump presidency, press secretary sean spicer gave the press a rundown of flynn’s meeting with kislyak. he didn’t mention any talk of sanctions. here’s how yates told the new yorker it all went down: “...
The Putin I Know – Interview! Growing Up With The New York Times The Slap Heard Round The World Trump: The Art Of Breaking A Deal Bannon Not Banished Yet The Kushner Plan That Isn’t A Jew Transcends Self Examination Politics And The Jewish Language Antisemitism In Hysterical Spin Jews Wi...
This is the continuation of my interview with James Striar, a real estate attorney that specializes in wills, estates and trusts. Brian: What things do you usually see that might be left out of a will or do you ever see any cases where a will was maybe prepared by someone other than ...
In the interview, Caviezel called President Trump “the new Moses” and said, “he’s got to be in there because he’s going to go after the traffickers.” [COMMENT: President Trump did not at the time say he was including domestic traffickers as being eligible for the death penalty, bu...
(iii) for a first analysis of the system, the energy manager aimed at having general information on the whole system's performances rather than on single compressors. to be relevant but had never been used to retrieve information on the system's performances, (ii) there was very little ...
In general, I find that there’s something about a very, very short piece of fiction that gives the impression of irreality, even if the story is told through realistic details. Stories by Lydia Davis come to mind (see, for example, “Spring Spleen”). Much of Davis’ fiction seems real...
questioning included general assurances of leniency if he told the truth, and dassey may have believed they promised more than they did." in fact, his i.q. was 83. and he plaintively asked if he be back at school by 1:29 because he had a project due for 6th period. but in what ...
Flynn said collection of a SIN should not be a concern and would appear necessary to make the tax effective. Bryan Short, director of the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association, said his group is “monitoring” the tax. “If the B.C. government can demonstrate that the collection...
Trump himself named Papadopoulos in that interview. That sentence, as far as I can tell, is the most direct reference to the president in the charges against Gates, Manafort and Papadopoulos that emerged publicly today.Nate SilverOct. 30, 10:53 am Is The Papadopoulos News A ‘Tell’ From ...