资料来源:美国经济分析局,实际国内生产总值,取自圣路易斯联邦储备银行 FRED。 制图 显示 最大值/最小值 放大 相关图表 美国CPI美国耐用品新订单美国季度实际GDP美国年通货膨胀率(%)美国非农总数美国的季度人均实际GDP美国零售贸易数据美国失业率 下载数据
*Real-time data provided by Federal Reserve Economic Data(FRED),Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis. For this exercise you will need to enter data from FRED for real GDP(Series ID: GDPC1)and real potential GDP(Series ID: GDPPOT). Using...
Real-Time Data Analysis Exercise Use the data in the following table to calculate the GDP deflator for each year(values are in billions of dollars, enter your response rounded to two decimal places--remember to multiply by100). Source: Federa...
According to the MMRF database, in 2011 these activities represent about 2.5% of market-price GDP and about 55% of total emissions. Based on the Frontier Economics electricity model and expert transport sector input, Australia can cut its emissions from these sectors by about 45% with roughly ...
Finally, we consider GDP growth and inflation rate as control variables, obtained from the IMF statistics data, to account for the influence of macroeconomic conditions. The data sources and definitions of variables are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Variables description and sources. VariableDescrip...
–Why were DeLong and (probably) Krugman seemingly unaware that potential GDP had been significantly revised downwards by 2013? –Why didn’t Bob just point to the CBO data that showed a 5%+ decline in potential between 2008 and 2013 and declare a KO against deLong ?
http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/GGGDTAJPA188N.txt According to the World Bank domestic credit to private sector fell from 192.9% of GDP in 2005 to 188.7% of GDP in 2006 to 181.1% of GDP in 2007: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/FS.AST.PRVT.GD.ZS?page=1 ...
First, the numbers for unemployment and impact of GDP from March 2020 on look like they are “off the charts.” Nothing has happened quite like the lockdown in the US, China, Korea, Japan, and many European countries. As a secondary consequence, growth in liabilities of the Federal Reserve...