发行的real face在通常盘和初回盘里的版本就有所不同,通常盘开头没有田中的RAP,但仅只是稍微改了下曲调而已,并没有太大不同。PV一共有7个版本,一个普通版本外加6个人的独立版。版1(通常版):http://www.siam2.com/jukebox/wmasong/27may06-001.wma 版2:(real face#1)http://kat...
歌手:KAT-TUN 所属专辑:《Real Face》 上传者:点此查看上传者信息 发行时间:2006年03月22日 因版权方原因,歌曲暂不提供下载 试听歌曲
可以说是「伪Live of KAT-TUN “Real Face” CD」(爆) 完全照著con上的顺序撷取。 这东西花了我4天的睡觉时间阿 因为DVD转下来还必须限并挡在转档转mp3, 为了找好的合并软体,俺奋斗4天终於完成了(拭泪) 虽然等我全部动作结束後,完整衔接好的avi档已经可以开始下载了…Orzlll 欲哭无泪 各位亲如果想...
音乐交流联系QQ:1272327800 - 音乐QQ群:13949438 - 歌曲入库及版权纠纷联系: 本页是提供的是歌手スガ シカオ的歌曲Real FaceMp3下载。 点此连接可以试听Real Face这首歌曲。 如果您认为本页提供的スガ シカオ演唱的Real Face这首歌曲侵害到您权益的地方请告知,我们会进行相关处理。更新时间:2025-01-31...
Opt for audio-only to save space, or let RealPlayer do it for you. Advanced Stream Selection Choose container, codec, resolution, and frame rate for video; MP3 or M4A for audio Compatible with all your favorite sites Download or stream from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, TikTok, ...
KAT-TUN - Real FACE.mp3?k=2f643136c4847dcefc346c0d1165001e5807530f015102024c5206010048065554541c0e5357531c595304010e56505758070100377f320150447a77634866642f441c166500535d41227075724b5f415264 上面网址好像有点长,链接的不是很全,下的时候把后面那些黑体的一起复制才可以的说~...
Choose container, codec, resolution, and frame rate for video; MP3 or M4A for audio Compatible with all your favorite sites Download or stream from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and 1000s of websites. Enjoy Full-screen theater experience on any website with PLAY NOW ...
Advanced Stream Selection Choose container, codec, resolution, and frame rate for video; MP3 or M4A for audio Compatible with all your favorite sites Download or stream from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and 1000s of websites. ...
At least that's how the catchphrase goes. But let's face it, everyone loves gadgets. Guys might like them a bit more than the girls, but everyone loves a new toy! And these days there are plenty to choose from. We decided to take a look at the best of the bunch. So, as they...
MV名称:Real Face MV歌手:KAT-TUN MV类型:官方版 MV时长:05 分 22 秒 下载提示:请鼠标右键另存为或使用下载软件! 右键此处下载高清版 右键此处下载标清版 相关视频 最新视频 热门排行 アイノオカゲ KAT-TUN FUNtastic KAT-TUN One way love KAT-TUN New Genesis KAT-TUN MoonLight KAT-TUN 俺メロディ...