Fortunately, there are ways to make your real estate offer letter more competitive when more cash isn’t an option. Write a well-written letter to back your bid. Creating a human connection with the current homeowners can sometimes trump a higher bid. An offer letter gives you the opportunity...
Make the real estate offer letter short, using a tone of honesty and sincerity. Telling the seller your entire life story may make that person lose interest early and cause them to skim or not read the rest of the letter. Three or four concise paragraphs that include what youlike about th...
In real estate, a conditional offer is a condition of sale that is agreed upon by both the buyer and the seller. The time frame set is important when it comes to such offers because if the condition isn't met within the specified time, the agreement is void and the buyer receives the ...
Sample of our offer to purchase real estate property_short form template: OFFER TO PURCHASE This Offer to Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement") is effective [DATE], BEWTEEN: [FIRST PARTY NAME] (the "Purchaser"), a company organized and existing under the laws of the [State/Province] of ...
Bridging The Gap Between ReaL ESTATE TECHNOLOGIES MLS Offers is the missing link between the ever increasing number of “offer” technologies popping up throughout the industry. With MLS Offers you can continue using the technology you are comfortable with when dealing with your clients, but when ...
Become a better real estate agent with our real estate career tips written by experienced industry professionals.
Most of the time people think of real estate sellers as offer-hungry. Some potential buyers think they are doing sellers a favor by giving them any bid at all. However, some sellers have many bids in which to choose. I speak from experience. My house was on the market for 2 days. We...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Real Estate at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
There’s no place like home, and no one knows this better than a real estate agent. Real estate agents have the major task of helping buyers select a space that feels comfortable, safe, and that they will be proud to call home. Additionally, you have to set yourself apart from the com...
The first step to landing acommercial real estatejob is securing an interview and performing well. Arrive early and dress well. When you greet your interviewer, offer a firm, confident handshake, and look him in the eye. Next comes the question and answer segment of the interview. ...