Another excellent real estate marketing idea is to establish a system for referrals. Real estate referrals often come from people you interact with daily — in fact, 27% of buyers and 28% of sellers found their agent through a referral from a friend, relative, neighbor or colleague. You can...
Today we’ll discuss 60 actionablemarketing ideasfor realtors and real estate agents. You will notice that the list contains lots of ideas regarding social media, website, email, networking, phone calls, communication tips, and so on.So, whether you are looking for some real estate postcards,...
In order to be competitive in today’s real estate marketing, there is nothing more important than having a quality website. Talk to anyone who deals in the mediums related to technology-generated marketing and you will hear over and over again how vital a website is for any business to ...
These 30 Out-of-the-Box Real Estate Agent Marketing Ideas will teach you how to generate leads online, build trust, & close deals in no time.
For example, check out this amazing piece of real estate Halloween marketing: an infographic on Haunted Houses that first appeared in 2013 but is still making the social media rounds. This haunted house infographic from still finds its way around social media platforms likePinterest, ...
All local real estate agents share a common struggle: competing with big industry names. When it comes to marketing yourself, you know how difficult it can be to compete with them.Not only do the big players have supersized marketing budgets, but they also have plenty of staff who can be ...
Content marketing feels like it was made for the real estate industry. It revolves around shareable, interesting, and fun topics. Something as simple as a video walkthrough can become viral online if you do it right. In this guide, we’ll tell you all about real estate content marketing....
To help your property stand out from the crowd, agents today have many marketing tools and can come up with some new and creative ideas. Here are some of the top trends.
Implementing content marketing is a great idea, whether you’re a startup offering innovative new services to manage real estate transactions, like LemonBrew, or a traditional brokerage firm. However, before you can start assembling a content plan, you need to get the foundational elements off yo...
Whether you’re new to real estate video marketing or you’re just looking for new inspiration, we’ve got you covered. We’ve compiled 17 real estate ideas that you can bring to life through video! We’ve also given you real estate video examples for inspiration, and templates that’ll...