Two of the best real estate WordPress themes areDiviandRealHomes. Both are great themes, but each serves an entirely different purpose. Divi is the best option for realtors who showcase their brand and services to generate leads. RealHomes is the best option for building a real estate listin...
When listing skills on your real estate agent resume, make sure to include a mix of hard and soft skills. Top hard skills include market analysis, negotiation, property management, sales, and client relations. These demonstrate your technical expertise and ability to handle various aspects of real...
This post will show you how to create a compelling real estate newsletter as part of a real estate marketing plan that will help you nurture leads, make more sales, and create repeat clients. We’ll also show you how Constant Contact’s real-estate specific email templates can make it fast...
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(For my post comparing the MAR form with the Greater Boston Real Estate Board, click here). It turns out that title to the property was actually held by a group of five individuals including Maxim, but we will get to that in a few. As is standard, the Offer provided that the parties...
A contingency clause in areal estate transactionmay require the buyer to obtain financing before thesellertransfers the deed. If the buyer cannot bring together sufficient funds to complete the sale, then both parties may have the right to walk away from the deal. ...
Trust, estate, conservatorship, elder and elder abuse, etc. litigation and contentious administrations David Tate, Esq. (and inactive California CPA) – practicing only as an attorney in California. Two additional director trustee powers listed in the national Uniform ...
Fine-tuning the wording of real estate ads. (cover story)Focuses on the debate over the wording of housing ads and their impact on minority home-seekers. Examples of unacceptable words compiled by Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods in 1994; Comment by Alan Reich, National Organization on ...
She asked, "It just seems so uncommon to think to squat while loading the dishes. What is your advice when someone is having to bend to put dishes in the dishwasher?" 1. There is no better time to bend in healthy ways than your real life. 2. The whole point of fitness as a life...