房地产投资信托基金(REIT)是一家拥有、经营或为创收房地产融资的公司。 REIT是“Real Estate Investment Trust”的缩写。房地产投资信托基金是一个合伙企业、公司、信托或协会,通过购买房产或购买抵押贷款直接投资于房地产。房地产投资信托基金发行的股票在证券交易所交易,像普通股票一样被买卖。要被视为房地产投资信托...
不动产投资信托基金(Real Estate Investment Trust,简称REIT,或REITs,都是一个意思一类产品) 这个怎样理解?其实就是将不动产进行了资产证券化。REIT起源于国外,在国外发展多年比较成熟,但我国还处于刚起步阶段,现阶段要谨慎对待。 比如你有二十万资金想配置投资到房地产,但一套房子二百万,你只想买二十万实物交易不...
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) 【中文翻译】 房地产投资信托 【中文翻译】 一种像股票一样在大型交易所买卖的证券,主要通过物业项目或抵押直接投资于房地产房地产投资信托可享有特殊的税务优惠,一般可为投资者带来高收益以及流通性非常高的房地产投资渠道。房地产投资信托可分为股本房地产投资信托、抵押房地产投...
A real estate investment trust (REIT), is a corporation or trust that combines the capital of many investors to acquire or provide financing for forms of real estate. A corporation or trust that qualifies as a REIT generally does not pay corporate income tax to the Internal Revenue Service;...
RIT作为缩写词,其全称为First Asset REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) Income Fund,中文直译为“第一资产房地产投资信托收益基金”。这个缩写词主要用于商业领域,尤其是在多伦多证券交易所中,其流行度达到了2968次。RIT的中文拼音为“dì yī zī chǎn fáng dì chǎn tóu zī xìn tuō ...
aReal estate investment is a hedge against inflation, real estate investment can get tax benefits, the value of real estate is relatively stable, influence the progress of science and technology, social development on the relatively small. Unlike the general consumer, such as automobile, computer, ...
不动产投资信托(Real Estate Investment Trust,简称REIT) 不动产投资信托指的是受托机构以公开募集或 私募 方式, 交付 受益证 券,募集一笔 资金 ,再投资 不动产 、不动产相关权利、不动产相关 有 价证券等,也就是“先有钱,再投资不动产”的型式。
REITs are real estate companies that must pay out high dividends to enjoy the tax benefits of REIT status. Some REITS have begun to offer thereinvestment of shareholder's dividendsthrough the purchase of additional shares of the trust.
A captive real estate investment trust can be created to take advantage of the tax breaks offered by a real estate investment trust (REIT). Companies may choose to develop or take controlling ownership in a REIT for captive status. Controlling or captive status is defined as more than 50% of...