Nareit is the worldwide representative voice for REITs and listed real estate companies with an interest in U.S. real estate and capital markets. Learn more about NareitNew to REITs? REITs are companies that own or finance income-producing real estate in a range of property sectors. What's ...
Real estate organizations have a generational opportunity to strategically position themselves for future developments as they move past turbulent years.
Join Caliber’s CEO, Chris Loeffler, as he shares insights on the emerging opportunities in middle-market alternative investments for Caliber’s real estate funds, driven by the current interest rate environment. Additionally, discover the newly launched Caliber Hospitality Trust, an initiative aimed ...
It can be tempting to edit photos or request thatyour real estate agentdo so on your behalf to make your home look more appealing, but the truth is that most buyers want to know what to expect before they walk into your house. If they go inside and the photos don’t match the realit...
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How to Define Luxury Real Estate in Today's Market More Getty Images If you say a word enough times, it starts to lose its meaning. And in real estate, where the right description can draw buyers to a home on the market, using the right terms is crucial. So when half the homes on...
ALT Financial is a family-owned full-service real estate & mortgage broker in California, offering seamless mortgage and real estate broker services.
Enroll Today What is a Good Payback Period in Real Estate Investing? Considering the real estate investment payback period determines the time – expressed in the number of years – until a particular investment reaches its break-even point, most investors prefer to recoup (and de-risk) their...
With digital engagement strategies, real estate brokerage marketing has evolved substantially, and many firms who remain committed to analog interactions may find themselves left behind. The truth is, over 50% of today’s home buyers find their properties online, so it makes sense for real ...
Historically, real estate agents have relied on a commission-based model, typically earning 6% of the sale price of a home. This commission is usually split between the buyer’s and seller’s agents. However, with the NAR’s decision to abolish this standard rate, agents will now find thems...