Real estate lawyer charged in mortgage fraudJenifer B McKim
My own attorney advised me so. Actually as I expressed my incredulity and instructed her we needed to pursue his transgressions with the Court (given it was a lawyer doing so) I will always remember her advice. Yes, both sets of my attorneys were women. The advice? “Let it go, no...
and a forged deed and notary stamp, scam artists were somehow able to dupe a local real estate agent and two seemingly experienced real estate attorneys, and get to the closing table, where a Concord, MA lot was fraudulently sold to a local developer, and...
the scope of work is limited. If the financial institution, mortgage broker, real estate broker, and the lawyer do not provide this information to real
provides a form of tender to solidify the transaction. Therefore, when the lawyer does shell it out well before she’s supposed to, she getstossed in jail and slammed with 25 counts of fraud over $5,000, 25 counts of possession of property obtained by crime and 25 counts of breach of ...
Real Estate Lawyer Is 2nd Attorney Convicted in Quad Cities Mortgage Fraud CaseMartha NeilAba Journal
Retained by the Law Society to advise on real estate fraud prevention measures Retained by the Law Society and Lawyer’s Insurance Fund to advise on complaints against members and insurance claims in the real estate field Law Society of B.C. Task Force on Lawyers Selling Real Estate – 2003 ...
First, I would like to stress that I am not a lawyer, and all of the following is just a best guess on my part as a small-time Peerstreet customer who still has fractional ownership of outstanding loans and some uninvested funds. While I have put a decent amount of my “self-...
Schedule a private 1:1 consultation with me HYW private Facebook community Read this episode as a post: Andrew Chen 01:22 My guest today is Diya Liu. Diya is an engineer and lawyer turned real estate investor who now invests in boutique hotels and short-term rentals full-time. ...
However, a good lawyer can save you a ton by drafting a good deal. Being the experts in these matters, they can save you from paying large sums of taxes and even which properties to stay away from due to improper documentation. This will also reduce the risk of fraud. ...