Michael W. Goldstein is a highly experienced New York Real Estate Lawyer as well as New York Real Estate Litigation Attorney. He has been interviewed for several articles published in highly respected New York Real Estate publications, including the New York Times Real Estate section, and The Rea...
Kim Lisa Taylor, Michael Fugler and the whole team at Syndication Attorney's has been a pleasure to work with. Not only did they help me with my PPM but also getting a lot of value from the master mind group that Kim organizes for her clients. ...
Attorney, Accident, Barnegat, DWI, Injuries, Lawyer, License, Manahawkin, Real Estate, Speeding, Suspended, Traffic Ticket, Waretown, Workers Comp
Are you involved in commercial real estate ventures or business ownership in the Atlanta, GA, area? Mark Burr is a top commercial real estate and business attorney with an office in Alpharetta, GA.
submitting any information via questionnaire or email, or discussing your case with us does not create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship with our New York Real Estate Lawyer can only be established with the signing of a written retainer agreement prepared by our law ...
The key to choosing the "right" form of ownership is: A) knowing the cost factor in time and money. B) understanding how each form affects both business and personal circumstances. C) having an experienced attorney and accountant to advise you...
Florida Qualifying Real Estate Broker of Record... Qualifying your company to do the activities of real estate
an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship with our NY Business Lawyer, NY Real Estate Lawyer, NY Mechanic’s Lien Lawyer, NY Wills & Probate Lawyer, or NY Litigation Lawyer can only be established with the signing of a written retainer agreement prepared by our law firm....
an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship with our NY Business Lawyer, NY Real Estate Lawyer, NY Mechanic’s Lien Lawyer, NY Wills & Probate Lawyer, or NY Litigation Lawyer can only be established with the signing of a written retainer agreement prepared by our law firm....
Retainers:Real estate attorneys may require clients to pay aretainer feeupfront before commencing work on their case. The retainer is typically deposited into a trust account and serves as a prepayment for legal services. As the attorney performs work on behalf of the client, fees are deducted ...