The article reports that Worldwide Plaza and 11 Madison Avenue, two office towers located in Manhattan, New York City, are both for sale, each with an asking price of 1.5 billion dollars.AGOVINO, THERESACrains New York Bu...
10 Characteristics of a Successful Real Estate Agent Choosing a Realtor to Sell Your Home Choosing a real estate agent can be difficult, especially when you have decided to move from one city or town you have lived in for many years. The questions that arise are: How do I know if the ...
if you plan to do real estate before your job each day and on Saturday mornings, schedule it so that nothing else gets in the way. This is like a work or doctor appointment. It must be scheduled in order to be a priority.
城市房地产税暂行条例 PROVISIONAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING URBAN REAL ESTATE TAX 城市房地产税暂行条例PROVISIONALREGULATIONSGOVERNINGURBANREALESTATETAX (AdministrativeCouncil:CentralPeople'sGovernment:8August1951) 颁布日期:19510808 实施日期:19510808 颁布单位:政务院 Article1Exceptasotherwisestipulated,urbanrea...
城市房地产开发经营管理条例RegulationsonUrbanRealEstateDevelopmentandManagementControl 国务院令第248号 (PromulgatedbyDecreeNo.248oftheStateCouncilofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonJuly20,1998) 颁布日期:19980720 实施日期:19980720 颁布单位:国务院 ChapterIGeneralProvisions Article1TheseRegulationsa...
The role of Malaysian securitised real estate in a mixed-asset portfolio Purpose – Previous studies on the Malaysian securitised real estate market have largely emphasised on performance analysis, whereas the importance of secu... EC Man Hui,CL Lee,K Hwa Ting - 《Journal of Financial ...
The intermediary effect model confirms the transmission mechanism of the rapid growth of real estate investment, the loan structure, and national happiness. According to our research, we propose conductive suggestions for the governments. Keywords: real estate investment; national happiness; loan ...
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10. WP Residence WP Residence is a simple WordPress theme for independent real estate agents and agencies. It includes WPBakery which makes page creation a child’s play. Although WP Residence is primarily developed for real estate agents and companies, you can also let other property owners subm...