Realay is the trusted real estate agent referral network connecting elite agents across North America. Simplify referrals with transparency and trust.
Exchange direct agent-to-agent referrals, across the nationwide brokerages, without any expensive middleman. Join now with Email.
Exchange direct agent-to-agent referrals, across the nationwide brokerages, without any expensive middleman. Join now with Email.
Are you an educated, experienced, tech-savvy Realtor® in the Canada or U.S.? Join our referral network of Top Real Estate Agents. Claim your exclusive area for referrals. Gain access to discounts for Real Estate Agents.Looking to buy or sell? Search t
REAL ESTATE AGENTS For our exclusive real estate agent network we source the highest quality referrals in the industry, then deliver a warm handoff to clients ready to begin their buying / selling process. BUYERS & SELLERS Consumers across the US and Canada can start their real estate journey ...
Real Estate Agent Referral System Referrals are the #1 Source of Realtor’s Clients. Here are three additional statistics that will change your business today: Sellers Who Were Referred to an Agent by a Friend or Family41% Buyers Who Were Referred to an Agent by a Friend or Family42% ...
Some states allow unlicensed individuals to receive compensation for referrals on the sole condition that the recipient of the fee not be involved in the real estatetransactionitself. But in most cases, both state and federal law prohibit a referral fee to be paid to an unlicensed person or som...
Get relevant agent-to-agent referrals without any of the struggles We monitor 446+ real estate referrals communities so you don't have to Build your agent to agent referral network Hundreds of real estate agents engage in communities every day. Our tool specifically monitorsposts, comments and li...
As a real estate agent, I LOVED doing referrals out to other agents. Whether it was one of my listings moving out of state or a buyer lead that I wasn't going to work, there are some super simple things to think about when giving out real estate referrals!
You have the freedom to negotiate your own referral fees and give referrals to active real estate agents internationally. The average is 25% but you can charge them 20% or 35% if you make this call. 03 No MLS Required No Realtor® dues, MLS fees, lockboxes to buy, signs to post, ...