MY LATEST VIDEOS Fudgesicles were one of my childhood favorite treats–the smooth chocolate flavor tasted amazing and sooo chocolatey smooth. Like pudding on a stick. I mean, they’re called pudding pops for a reason, right? On the rare occasion that I bought something from the ice cream t... Dumper (Iveco) Astra Rigid Dump Truck, an articulated dump truck. An "articulated" vehicle is built in sections that are hinged or connected in some way to allow flexibility of movement (thanks to my Webster's unabridged). Li...
I lost my house. I lost my cars. I lost my dump truck, my bulldozer, my bobcat, my concrete forms. I had people coming to my house in the middle of the night pounding on the door wanting money. I had people serving me legal papers. I got served with lots of lawsuits for unpaid ...
The last two years we have gotten record relentless rains. Having 4 horses and a donkey out on a bare lot without a barn has been a big source of stress. Between wading through knee deep mud daily to dump hay with a pair of rubber boots that have a hole, and battling multiple rounds...
47. How do I use RealBand to receive/save bulk SysEx data from my synth? Can RealBand initiate a dump request? If your goal is just to have RealBand receive a dump by initiating the dump from your synth (such as by pressing a certain button on the synth, or executing a certain co...
I think I would need around a truck-load to run all the lights in my apartment for about a month. Catch ya later! Have a great weekend. PS. Speaking of trash, I thought you might find the following video a little amusing. Make your web videos play on iPhone/iPod/iPad - FREE ...
Brother Nathanael Channel Videos!, BroVids Pandemic Of The Vaxxinated July 23 2021 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___ More +BN Vids! The Killer COVID VAX Here! Got Your VAX Passport Yet? Here! The Plight Of The Unvaxxed Here! +BN Classics! Big Brother’s Forced Vaccinations Here!
even illegal in some countries precision of classification that all cool kids can envy. The cons were already called out — it doesn't parallelize. But it's still faster than neural networks. It's like a race between a dump truck and a racecar. The truck can do more, but if you want...
(obviously). The bottle is completely full. And you can’t even pop the top off to dump out the rest of the lotion if you had to, because once the pump comes off there is no opening to the rest of the bottle, ithasto come through the faulty pumper. WHAT THE EFF. The lotion ...
This spring, the live learning for the district preschool class was 3 20 minute google meets a day – one where a para read a story, one where the kids ate snack and one where the teacher played YouTube videos for the kids. This was apparently explained away by the supervisor as being...