Scientific endeavors benefit from transparency and open declarations of real or perceived conflicts of interest. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Subscription info for Chinese customers We have a dedicated website for our Chinese customers. Please ...
Stan Hinden
cametheJewishcritics,politicians,theologians.Criticsandpoliticiansand theologiansarebyprofessionmolders;theyformwaysofseeing.(Walter Kerr1968,D1,D3) Immigrationpolicyisaparadigmaticexampleofconflictsofinterestbetween ethnicgroupsbecauseimmigrationpolicydeterminesthefuturedemographic ...
Ehrlich, S. M., Beck, D. M., Crowell, J. A., Freeman, T. C. A., & Banks, M. S. (1998). Depth information and perceived self-motion during simulated gaze rotations.Vision Research,38(20), 3129–3145. ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Fu...
(i.e., a face manipulation where two faces are mixed to create a hybrid one carrying traits of both original faces) are perceived by people. Ensuring restricted access to locations or services is of utmost importance, particularly in the context of face authentication systems, to prevent ...
sponsors must be aware of actual or perceived conflicts of interest in affiliate transactions. Fund affiliate transactions often address end-of-life fund issues or involve combinations of assets across funds. Affiliate transactions that may be actual, or may be perceived as, conflicts of interest inc...
The second hypothesis postulates that CEOs with significant influence may intentionally appoint directors with strong financial acumen to amplify conflicts of interest, potentially compromising the effectiveness of the AC in its supervisory capacity. However, it is important to acknowledge that influential ...
5. Operations: we will assess a variety of aspects of a data vendors operations, including but not limited to their policies and procedures (including consideration of any conflicts of interest) the size and experience of their data research teams, their training programs, and their use of third...
5. Operations: we will assess a variety of aspects of a data vendors operations, including but not limited to their policies and procedures (including consideration of any conflicts of interest) the size and experience of their data research teams, their training programs, and their use of third...
. The race-related nature of police shootings heightens many Black individuals’ concern about being the target of prejudice, which has been shown to elevate the perceived threat of engaging in interracial interactions (Sanchez et al.,2022; Trawalter et al.,2009). Furthermore, research suggests ...