Our Dispenser selection chart helps to select the right Dispensette® forthereagentused. brand.de brand.de 关于特定试剂的使用选择,请见的分液器选择指南,或咨询BRAND。 brand.de brand.de [...] mother plate, cell and tissue cultures, serial dilutions,reagenttransfer and sample ...
V., Lede, B., Henichart, J.-P., Bicu, E., Darbost, U., Rigo, B. and Daich, A. (2015), ChemInform Abstract: Eaton′s Reagent-Mediated Domino π-Cationic Arylations of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids to Iasi-Red Polymethoxylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Products with Unprecedented ...
J.-P. HENICHARTInst. Chim. Pharm., Fac. Pharm., 59045 Lille, Fr.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.CheminformSaid Y,Jacques H P,Isabelle L. AlCl3-DMF reagent in the Friedel-Crafts reaction.Application to the acylation reaction of 2(3H)-benzothiazolones[J].Journal of Organic Chemistry,1994.1574-...
and produce a reaction or sequence of reactions, resulting usually in the formation of a color which can be compared by visual means to a standard color chart or measured more precisely by an instrument such as a reflectance photometer. ...
5. Obtain results by direct color chart comparison. Protein: This test is based on the protein error-of-indicator principle. At a constant pH, the development of any green color is due to the presence of protein. Colors range from yellow for a "Negative" reaction to yellow-green and ...
AlCl3-DMF reagent in the Friedel-Crafts reaction.Application to the acylation reaction of 2(3H)-benzothiazolones[J].Journal of Organic Chemistry,1994.1574-1576.Said Y,Jacques HP,Isabelle L,et al.AlCl3-DMFreagent inthe Friedel-Crafts reaction.Applicationto the ac-ylation reaction of 2(3 H)-...