implies support for other policies adopted during the Reagan years, such as immigration amnesty. comes at the expense of conservative social policy. means no concern for the value of a defense industrial base. means being in favor of a “neoconservative” nation-building agenda. is somehow inconsi...
As a result of the policies, marijuana use dropped from 33% of high-school seniors in 1980 to 12% in 1991.[119] Illegal immigration November 6, 1986, Reagan signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, also known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, named after it's two ...
When Carter ordered the Immigration and Naturalization Service to start deportation proceedings against Iranian students who lacked valid visas, the New York Times gave cautious but clear approval
When someone in the audience called out, “And for the Gipper,” Reagan replied, “Yup.” The President depicted Mattingly as “part of the 1980 cleanup crew for the worst economic mess since the Great Depression.” Advertisement As a result of Administration policies supported by congressional ...