Use the ReadyState property to determine the exact navigation state of the WebBrowser control. 使用ReadyState属性确定WebBrowser控件的确切导航状态。 4. One that I often see is when users don't inspect the readyState or status fields of the object in the callback. 我经常看...
就绪状态,就绪状态 相似短语 ready state就绪状态,就绪状态 not ready state未就绪状态 ready state of a process进程的就绪状态 ready ... for ...使…作好…的准备 be ready to预备,即将 ready for对...有适合准备,条件等 at the ready处于准备状态,各就各位,预备 ...
Ready State is a creative agency that helps brands use marketing as a force for good. OUR SERVICES Branding Developing brands with a purpose I need Branding Content Creating content for saves and shares I need Content Growth Growing demand for your brand ...
Ready State is a creative agency that helps brands use marketing as a force for good. OUR SERVICES Branding Developing brands with a purpose I need Branding Content Creating content for saves and shares I need Content Growth Growing demand for your brand ...
对于readyState的这五种状态,其他书中大都语焉不详。像《Foundations of Ajax》中,只在书中的表2-2简单地列举了状态的“名称”--The state of the request. The five possible values are 0 = uninitialized, 1 = loading, 2 = loaded, 3 = interactive, and 4 = complete。而《Ajax in Action》中好像...
readyState状态码 0:请求未初始化 1:服务器已建立连接 2:请求已接收 3:请求处理中 4:请求已完成,且响应已就绪 作为一个互联网开发人员对于一些服务器返回的HTTP状态的意思都必须是了如指掌的,只有将这些状态码一一弄清楚,工作中遇到的各种问题才能够处理的得心应手。好了,下面就让我们来了解一下比较常见的HTT...
readyState 是XMLHtttpRreadyState是XMLHttpRequest对象的一个属性,用来标识当前XMLHttpRequest对象处于什么状态。 readyState总共有5个状态值,分别为0~4,每个值代表了不同的含义 0 || UNSEND 未发送初始化状态: 此时,已经创建了一个 XMLHttpRequest 对象 ...
status体现的是服务器对请求的反馈,而readystate表明客户端与客户的交互状态过程。 1- AJAX状态值与状态码区别 AJAX状态值是指,运行AJAX所经历过的几种状态,无论访问是否成功都将响应的步骤,可以理解成为AJAX运行步骤。如:正在发送,正在响应等,由AJAX对象与服务器交互时所得;使用“ajax.readyState”获得。(由数字0...