Ready Seal wood stain and sealer: Requires no primer May be sprayed, rolled or brushed onto the wood surface Requires no diluting or thinning prior to spray applications Requires no back-brushing and Ready Seal® will never leave runs, laps or streaks ...
The Home Depot 现有 精选READY SEAL 木纹着色漆罩面漆一日特卖低至7.6折。 美国境内免运费。 点击购买>> 小编推荐:木纹着色漆可以说是喜欢自己DIY家具的小伙伴超心水的一种漆了,它不仅可以保持木材的天然纹理,又有非常多种自然木色供选择,分分钟就能把原木变得高大上,无论是家里的家具改造,还是户...