以下引用自VOID Iteractive官方网站“Ready Or Nor是一个拟真战术的第一人称射击游戏,故事中的美国正处在政治经济动荡的时代。你将会成为一个审判者,同时作为一支精英SWAT的指挥官,引领队伍在一个麻木不仁的城市里应对时态,化解危机。”在一次采访中,VOID说“RoN会是玩家们玩过的最富有挑战性与乐趣的游戏。它将会...
通过禁用一些后期处理效果、添加一些效果以及提供超出游戏允许的可选内部分辨率增加来增强 Ready or Not 的...
Some of you may have come across today’s interviewee’s mods before, especially if you’ve ever tried to mod Baldur’s Gate 3 or Dragon Age: Inquisition, amongst other games. If, like me, you’ve ever dabbled in modding either game, you’ll almost certainly have used their modding gu...
另外ready or not,最有意思的,最好的元素细节是,AI,coop模式下的游戏体验感。首先是队友的指令控制...
Yet the adult industry has not always been great at accumulating robust, actionable data. That’s partially because viewing porn is a very passive experience, Celen points out. Consumers "type in a keyword or browse a little, do their business, and they're done in five to seven minutes."...
硬核战术合作FPS游戏,手感和质量上乘 引言 在经过无数次的任务失败之后,兔头才总算摸清了《严阵以待》...
Qualcomm's got even more advanced VR chips on the horizon: a newer XR2 chip promises not only better graphics, but a whole lot of simultaneous cameras that can track the outside world... and look inwards, tracking your face and eyes. The standalone Pico Neo 2 Eye from the front, ...
今日(7月4日),由游戏开发商VOID Interactive制作并发行的第一人称射击游戏《Ready or Not》(严阵以待)开启限时特惠活动,Steam商店标准版优惠折扣10%,售价112.5元(原价125元),本作支持简体中文,活动截止时间为7月8日,感兴趣的玩家可以登录Steam商店页面进行购买。
Really, the minimum specs are more of a guideline for the average user. If you’re smart enough to know how to overclock a chip safely, then you probably don’t need a tool to tell you if your computer will work with VR or not. :) ...
(CPUs and GPUs) running smoothly. They also typically offer additional ports, so connecting your VR peripherals is less of a problem than it can be with some laptops. On the other hand, desktop PCs are less easily portable, so you'll have to count on your VR game-playing friends to ...