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Content quantity value has been moved to item's description to clarify that it does not represent the current quantity. Skip! Skip! Added the ability to skip dialogs (by default using the spacebar). Improvements to the keybinding system: The keybinding system has been refined, and you can ...
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Ready or Not is an intense, tactical, first-person shooter. As an early access game released on 18 Dec, 2021, it has received overwhelmingly positive user reviews on Steam. However, just like any other early-access game, Ready or Not is not free from bugs and crashes.If Ready or Not ...
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It’s important that the email address on your EA Account is up to date; it’s key to making sure you can get back into your account if you forget your password or need to update your info. If you’ve got more than one EA Account or want to combine your accounts, here’s what ...
It’s important that the email address on your EA Account is up to date; it’s key to making sure you can get back into your account if you forget your password or need to update your info. If you’ve got more than one EA Account or want to combine your accounts, here’s what ...