本吧热帖: 1-关于RON的优化问题解决方案 2-游戏打不开了 Corrupt data found 3-显存不足+闪退 4-现在有没有人带新手 5-迟来的不完美--RON游戏初体验 6-有大佬的通关存档能分享下吗 7-联机可以加人机队友吗? 8-n网已有多人带ai队友mod 9-严阵以待组队交流 10-通关了葡萄藤
本吧热帖: 1-发一个自己写的AI吧。 2-【RON同人】云渎市特警力量发展 3-真搞笑这游戏 4-【1.0优化相关】关于Ron优化的几个猜想和建议 5-各位玩家目前在readyornot的情况 6-关于翻译问题 7-Ready Or Not贴吧群 8-关于如何让游戏画面变清晰的设置 可以来看看 亲测有效 9-我ste
分享153 readyornot吧 海豹勇者行动 支持者版更新后用自由摄像机mod发现ai会听声音瞄准玩家(更像是透视)甚至隔着一个房间都会透,走路 开门 喊话 会引发ai瞄准你所在的方向(隔着关门的房间,甚至隔着楼层),不过静步键有用了,按下后可以摸到ai屁股 没有打任何ai有关的mod 分享88 readyornot吧 CIVILIZAYION 关于上...
Ready to Meet Another Regeneration Challenge; Business Editor Bill Gleeson Meets MIKE SHIELDS, Chairman of Liverpool Land Development Company
这时需要在C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\ReadyOrNot\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor文件夹里打开Input.ini手动修改,打开Input后,找到ActionMappings=(ActionName="ToggleSecondarySight",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=P) 默认按键是P,如果需要组合按键,比如默认P键组合Shift,就把前面的...
2023 年 11 月,比尔·盖茨发表了一篇文章,他表示,AI 代理(Agent)将是大模型之后的下一个平台,不仅改变每个人与计算机互动的方式,还将在五年内彻底改变我们的生活。 如今,越来越多的大模型公司、科技公司开始布局 Agent,为 AI Native 时代做准备。 比如,昆仑万维发布了“天工 SkyAgents ”平台,智谱 AI 发布了 ...
It was basically a one man show by Tom Miller, who did a great job writing the library and tutorials, but the whole DirectX team did not care about game developers using managed code or not; it was just not important to them.” Enter XNA: Game Development with Managed Code XNA ...
| ❌ | no issue | - vue-ui-predicate - A rules editor, generic filtering UI, predicates component for Vue JS. | ❌ | no issue | - vue-mobile-detection - Vue.js prototype function this.$isMobile() that returns a Boolean value depending on whether or not the user is browsing with...
From Guzman's Twitter thread, where the DPC latency news emanated, there comes a solid recommendation toexit all your GPU monitoring appsbefore updating Nvidia drivers. The crux of this potential issue is that if you forget or neglect to follow this advice, "the GPU monitor utility may inadver...
“With AI, it’s almost like some bot is observing all the behavior of the user, and have understood every product at a much deeper level and then building the recommendation in real time when the user is there on the website, not an hour later, not a day later or a week later,”...