Ready Jet Go!(2016–2019) Dalila Bela: SydneyIt looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet.Be the first to contribute! Add a photo or add a quote. See also Release Dates | Official Sites | Company Credits | Filming & Production | Technical Specs ...
READY JET GO! takes viewers on a journey into outer space, building on children's curiosity about science, technology and astronomy. The series follows two neighborhood kids: Sean and Sydney. They both befriend the new kid on their street, Jet Propulsion, whose family members happen to be ali...
See Ready, Jetset, Go's production, company, and contact information. Explore Ready, Jetset, Go's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
第67集 太空小子杰特go Ready Jet Go!第67集 全部1集2集3集4集5集6集7集8集9集10集11集12集13集14集15集16集17集18集19集67集
Earth Camping Ready Jet Go! IMDb rating The IMDb rating is weighted to help keep it reliable. Learn more YOUR RATING Rate User ratings It looks like we don't have any ratings for this title yet. Be the first to contribute. More from this title Awards FAQ User reviews External reviews Me...
英文名称:Ready Jet Go 动画集数:7集 动画格式:mp4格式 动画分辨率:1280P 字幕语言:srt外挂英语字幕,可开关 每集时间:26分钟左右 内容简介: PBS KIDS出品的科学英语动画,主要讲了Jet 和他的朋友们对地球,月亮,太阳系的探索 动画目录: 1 How Come the Moon Has Craters ...
IMDb6.0 简介 “Tour of the Solar System“- Jet attempts to play the “Solar System“ game with Sean, Sydney, and Mindy, but the kids don't quite understand which planets go where. Celery, Jet's mom, takes them on a tour of the solar system and introduces each of the eight planets....
Mindy Turns Five Ready Jet Go! It looks like we don't have any metacritic reviews for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. More from this title Awards FAQ User reviews User ratings External reviews More to explore 21st Century Scream Queens ...
“Tour of the Solar System“- Jet attempts to play the “Solar System“ game with Sean, Sydney, and Mindy, but the kids don't quite understand which planets go where. Celery, Jet's mom, takes them on a tour of the solar system and introduces each of the eight planets. “Jet Cooks...
太空小子杰特GO 简介 喷气动力一家来自拥有超先进科技的波顿7号星球。他们无意中发现了地球,决定变成人类住一段时间。在与地球人的相处中,这一家外星人总是会闹出各种各样的笑话。作为外星人小孩,杰特总是充满好奇心,他与邻居小孩希尼和肖恩很快成为了好朋友,他们总是不断提出各种有关太空和地球科学知识的问题,而...