}//为每个事件分配一个计数器addEvent.ID = 1;//执行事件处理函数addEvent.exec =function(event) {vare = event ||addEvent.fixEvent(window.event);vares =this.events[e.type];for(variines) { es[i].call(this, e); } };//同一个注册函数进行屏蔽addEvent.equal =function(es, fn) {for(var...
Can I use the document ready function in an external JavaScript file? Yes, you can use the document ready function in an external JavaScript file. Just make sure to include the external file after jQuery in your HTML document, and before any other scripts that depend on jQuery. ...
javascript的domReady-类$(document).ready(function()使用方法 1newfunction(){2dom =[];3dom.isReady =false;4dom.isFunction =function(obj){5returnObject.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Function]";6}7dom.Ready =function(fn){8dom.initReady();//如果没有建成DOM树,则走第二步,存储...
使用了jquery $ 是jquery的对象 这个$(document).ready(function () {}) 相当于 document.onreadyStateChange=function(event){if(document.readystate=="complete"){}};在页面加载完后执行的js代码。你可能不知道jquery,jquery是依托javascript开发的一个框架,十分好用十分流行,但是其本质还是javascript...
Type:Function() A function to execute after the DOM is ready. The.ready()method offers a way to run JavaScript code as soon as the page's Document Object Model (DOM) becomes safe to manipulate. This will often be a good time to perform tasks that are needed before the user views or...
$(document).ready(function(){ $("a").click(function(event){alert("Thanks for visiting!"); }); }); 他们是一样的。查看 jQuery.ready()文档。这是文档中的引述: 以下所有三种语法都是等效的: $(文档).ready(处理程序) $().ready(handler) (不推荐这样做) ...
zepto中的ready函数是作为$.fn的一个方法,即作为一个zepto对象的方法 readyRE = /complete|loaded|interactive/; ready: function(callback...){ // need to check if document.body exists...
JavaScript 5.57 KB | None | 0 0 raw download clone embed print report $(document).ready(function() { $("#linkshow").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#window").show(); }); }); Submit a comment
function abc(){ ttt() } $(document).ready(function(){function ttt(){ $(this).datetimepicker({ language: 'zh-CN', //中文 minView: "month", //到月 autoclose:true, //选择日期后自动关闭 format: 'yyyy-mm-dd'}); } }); 要实现的功能是点击input调取ttt() 请问各位怎么样能实现呢...