nansum 是MATLAB准备放弃的一个过时的函数, 目前北太天元也没有, 不过可以写一个m函数实现简单的情形下的nansum功能, 如针对一维或者二维的矩阵的nansum函数 functiony=nansum(x,dim)%检查输入参数的数量ifnargin<1error('nansum 需要至少一个输入参数。');end%如果未指定维度,则默认对列求和ifnargin<2dim=1...
Matlab 读取excel文件的函数: (1)readtable - 读取一个工作表。 (2)spreadsheetDatastore - 读取多个工作表或文件。 一、readtable函数 1、基本使用 T = readtable("文件名",'Sheet','Sheet1','Range','A1') 使用Sheet名称-值对组参数指定工作表名称。如果数据位于文件的第一个工作表中,则不需要指定 ...
matlab.internal.reference.api.EntityPrecision method length is a built-in method % method length is a built-in method % method length is a built-in method %
You named your function or script realtime_data the same as a variable within the function or script. That would lead to MATLAB attempting to call the script or function itself at that point, which is likely to fail. You need to avoid naming your function or script the same as a variabl...
Open in MATLAB Online Hi folks, I'm trying to use the readtable function to interpret a spreadsheet "Alberta.csv". I've tried using detectImportOpts, sadly the variables are arranged in rows and readtable seems to want to detect them as columns. The next attempt was a...
However, if I change the input values on the excel script, when I run the matlab script it still populates the old values of the excel. I think this is the relevant code below. I have tried a clear all function as well and that didn't hel...
The readtable function in Matlab for reading an MS-Excel spreadsheet is not giving me the last column. Why? How can I fix this? My code: function assetslist = loadAssets() xlFileDetails = 'mypath'; xlsheet = 'mysheet'; result = readtable(xlFileDetails,'Sheet',xlsheet,... 'Read...
On Windows®systems with Microsoft Excel®software, the importing function reads any Excel spreadsheet file format recognized by your version of Excel. If your system does not have Excel for Windows or if you are usingMATLAB Online™, the importing function operates with theUseExcelproperty set...
Error in (line 181) rmdir(localTempDir, 's'); Error in (line 65) deleteIfLocalCopy(obj); Error in (line 69) end...