: argument 1 to $readmemh must be a memory identifier ??? I also tried reading from a .mif file (1d file 2000 x 1 byte Width=8 depth=2000): --- (* ram_init_file = "DE0_CV_SCREENCHARMEM.mif" *) reg charMem; (* ram_init_file = "DE0_CV_...
Error (10853): Verilog HDL error at font_2ram.sv(43): argument 0 to $readmemh must be a string literal Instead, I have to hardcode the string in the $readmem command itself: module font_2ram ( ... ); reg memory ; initial $readmemh( "font88_8.txt", mem...
: argument 1 to $readmemh must be a memory identifier ??? I also tried reading from a .mif file (1d file 2000 x 1 byte Width=8 depth=2000): --- (* ram_init_file = "DE0_CV_SCREENCHARMEM.mif" *) reg charMem; (* ram_init_file = "DE0_CV_S...