ThisREADME file is itself distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons 1.0 Universal license (CC0). The license applies to this file and other files in theGitHub repositoryhosting this file. This doesnotmean that you, as a user of this README file in your software project, must also...
For example, your code style could be procedural or object-oriented. State it so that other developers can follow suit. Screenshots A picture can do an excellent job for your README file. Also, some people only need a visual representation of the project. It helps them understand the file ...
[example](./example)example 图片链接 给图片加链接的本质是混合图片显示语法和普通的链接语法。普通的链接中[ ]内部是链接要显示的文本,而图片链接[ ]里面则是要显示的图片。 直接混合两种语法当然可以,但是十分啰嗦,为此我们可以使用URL标识符的形式。
示例程序 Example 巴法云示例 Befma Example 巴法云登录时设置clientid会比较简单。巴法云支持保留消息。示例文件,运行例子前请设置自己的WiFi密码和巴法云的Clientid。 华为云Iot示例 Huawei IoTDA Example 华为云登录时必须要设置clientid,否则无法成功。华为云不支持保留消息,仅当作普通消息处理。示例文...
MiniExcel 1 Github 2 var rows = MiniExcel.Query(useHeaderRow:true).ToList(); // or using (var stream = File.OpenRead(path)) { var rows = stream.Query(useHeaderRow:true).ToList(); Assert.Equal("MiniExcel", rows[0].Column1); Assert.Equal(1, rows[0].Column2); Assert.Equal("Githu...
If you do not wish to use the Public Suffix List, you may remove the <java-home>/lib/security/public_suffix_list.dat file. The Source Code of this file is available under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0 and is located at
Under "Repository name", type a repository name that matches your GitHub username. For example, if your username is "octocat", the repository name must be "octocat." Optionally, in the "Description" field, type a description of your repository. For example, "My personal reposi...
JV(Github@JVFCN) 其他所有贡献者 ... 特别提示 建议使用“克隆/下载”-“下载ZIP”来下载最新源码。发行版中的可能不是最新版本。 由于Gitee不同步我的换行符更改,下载解压后需要先检查和更改所有脚本换行符,否则会闪退。详见本说明“关于脚本编码和换行符”一章。
YudeWang/semantic-segmentation-codebase: Codebase for semantic segmentation experiments ( 这是我的本科毕设,基于ultralytics/yolov5多任务模型。以增加少量计算和显存为代价,同时完成目标检测和语义分割(1024×512输入约增加350MB,同尺寸增加一个bisenet需要约1.3GB,两个单任务模型独立输入还有额外的延时...
Under "Repository name", type a repository name that matches your GitHub username. For example, if your username is "octocat", the repository name must be "octocat." Optionally, in the "Description" field, type a description of your repository. For example, "My personal repository." ...