针对您遇到的问题“configure: error: readline library not found if you have readline already installed”,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,按照您的提示进行整理: 1. 确认系统是否已安装readline库 首先,您需要确认系统中是否已安装readline库。这通常可以通过命令行工具来检查。具体命令可能因操作系统而异,但一些常见的命...
另外的玩法是补全readline library: root@ubuntu:/opt/postgresql-9.3.4#ldconfig -p |grep readline libreadline.so.6 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libreadline.so.6 找到此系统中有libreadline.so.6这个库文件,而网上有很多说应该安装libreadline5-dev,但是安装此库时报错: root@ubuntu:/op...
Ok ran that and it installed libreadline-dev and libreadline6-dev but I still get Readline library not found. I rebooted, deleted SkyFire and re-cloned, everything I can think of but still get the error. JustZerooo commented Mar 8, 2018 Upgrade to Ubuntu 17.04 or Debian 9. Ubuntu 1...
I wanted to give users some flexibility and specified the oldest version that I found compatible, because I have run into dependency hell with Conda myself due to packages requiring specific versions. Then again, using the latest version does not solve the underlying issue. What if a new relea...
centos7编译安装PostgreSQL报错:configure error readline library not found 问题: 在通过源码包安装PostgreSQL时,首先需要执行./configure 该脚本将运行一些测试来决定一些系统相关的变量,并检测你的操作系统的特殊设置,并且最后将在编译树中创建一些文件以记录它找到了什么。
000035831 - Vitis 2023.2 - Error message "not able to find readline library" reported on Ubuntu 18 systems Nov 3, 2023•Knowledge Title 000035831 - Vitis 2023.2 - Error message "not able to find readline library" reported on Ubuntu 18 systems Description libreadline.so.6 is a system package...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 安装postgreSQL出现configure-error-readline library not found解决方法及pg安装全过程.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 记记忆忆过过往往 总总有有一一个个人人需需要要这这些些知知识识。。本本博博客客信信息息正正在在迁迁往往 h...
ubuntu hive sed .net 技术 转载 mob604756e78484 2018-09-11 17:29:00 494阅读 2 configure: error: readline library not found/libreadline.so: undefined reference to tputs errorconfigure: error: readline library not foundconfig.log error:configure:11829: gcc -o conftest -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes...
我在Ubuntu 16.04 LTS下。我有两个蟒蛇装置。我实际上是通过pvpython使用它们的,但这可能与当前的问题无关。这些版本是: Python2.7.12,安装在apt-get中,驻留在系统dirs中。 Python2.7.11驻留在~/apps/ParaView-5.4.1-Qt5-OpenGL2-MPI-Linux-64bit中,它只是从tar文件中展开。为了获得python提示符,我运行~/ap...
Error: No Matches found Fortunately this is relatively simple to remedy, create/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/readline.pc: Name: Readline Description: Gnu Readline library for command line editing URL: http://tiswww.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html ...