They are writings from saints (ancient or modern), theologians or from the Catechism of the Catholic Church… each related to the day’s reading. I’ve learned and have seen how the Holy Spirit has been guiding us to the lord since He ascended into heaven. Reading a commentary from ...
but is also holding up a mirror to the defeat he wants to inflict. He wants it finished by Christmas. This may not be possible. The Five of Swords is Aquarius, late January to late February. Putin could make use of a pause
I, along with many more studied men than myself, cannot help but conclude this “son of perdition” is not a reference to a specific man, but rather to an office, specifically, the Roman Catholic papacy. Consider the text — The man of sin could not be revealed before the great falling...
Monday, May 03, 2010 3:46:00 am Michaelsaid... Hi Ben, you may wish to consider Barth on this, though I realize he's somewhat contraversial. His lectures on ethics delivered at Muenster (1928-29) and Bonn (1930-31) are particularly interesting. The first two paragraphs outline his ...