This was the best year for the Oscars in decades. Top to bottom, this year’s films were better than any year in recent memory and you have to go back averylong time to start to get into years where, for the most part, the movies are excellent and the good ones win. That shouldn...
Pet Mystery Week brings brisk business to Penelope's Rhode Island bookshop, but a real mystery comes barking at her door when a lost dog turns up in a panic. Pen and her son Spencer follow the furry fugitive to a wooded area where the dog's owner lies unconscious. Mrs. Cunningham is ...
potential candidate and former finance ministerChrystia Freeland,but he doesn’t share her bruised recordof inflating the deficit to multi-billion dollar highs, and last week’spollingshows that more people are open to voting for him than for her. ...
Arecentstudysuggeststhatpreterm(早产的)babiesappeartoexperiencelesspainandfeedmorewhenlisteningtomusic.ExpertsledbyDrManojKumaroftheUniversityofAlberta,Canada,foundthatmusichadabeneficialeffectonreducingpainforpretermbabiesexperiencingpainfulmedicaltests.Italsoappearedtobenefitfulltermbabiesduringoperations. ...
Manoj Kumar of the University of Alberta, Canada, found that music had a beneficial effect on reducing pain for preterm babies experiencing painful medical tests. It also appeared to benefit full-term babies during operations. Many people experiencing brain damage have speech- and movement-related ...
2. In what way is staying in a tepee in Alberta special? A. It serves local food to diners. B. You can sleep in the open air. C. You can tour Alberta for free. D. It offers lessons on making tepees. 3. The Quirpon Lighthouse Inn can’t provide . A. private rooms B. ...