内容提示: 1IELTS General Training Test One: Reading ANSWERS Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is needed in all answers. General Training Test One: Section 1 1. send a messenger 2. short bell rings 3. nearest staircase/stairs 4. (paved) quadrangle (area)/quad ...
In this guide, you can start your IELTS reading practice by taking afree IELTS reading test. However, there are two versions of the test:IELTS general readingandIELTS academic reading. You'll learn which version is right for you and how to tackle each reading question type using our IELTS r...
This free IELTS reading test (General Training Module) has the same question types, content style, length and difficulty as a standard IELTS test. To get started simply scroll down to read the text and answer the questions. Note: the best way to take our practice tests is on a Desktop co...
General Training Reading Mock Test 4: Reading Part 1: | Some places to visit&LearnWithUs courses | Read the full passage and their answers Reading Part 2: | The benefits of having a business mentor&A Planning Process for Middle-Sized Projects | ...
I need more general training reading materials. Reply Quote Mohammad Khairul Islam 3 years 4 months I am really excited to see your website. It is very useful for me. I want to exercise according to your website's direction. Please help me. I want to take the IELTS test. Do you...
IELTS Explained for IELTS General Training Volume 1 - Reading Test 1 Strengthen your reading skills with comprehensive instruction and explanation from our IELTS expert Jamie. In this video course, Jamie will show you the easiest and most effective ways to locate information and find the correct ...
Below is a list of the scores from band 2 to 9 for the GT reading test. The scores arenotthe same as the academic reading test. Click on the table to enlarge. IELTS Reading Question Types for General Training The types of questions you will be asked in the GT reading test are the ...
With more than 100+ IELTS Reading sample tests, including both Academic & General Training, the super pack comes in handy as compact PDF files for every test we serve on the website so that you can easily access and practice IELTS reading tests anywhere and anytime you want. ...
IELTS Cambridge 10 Test B: GT Reading Module Section 1: Questions 1-7 The headline of the passage:Passport Application Questions 1-7(TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN): In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether: The statement in the question matches with the ...
The IELTS General Training Reading will give you 60 minutes to complete 3 sections... C Courtney Miller May 15, 2024 Preventing the Theft of Turtle... Table of Contents[Show] Reading Passage- Preventing the Theft of Turtle Eggs Answers For ‘Preventing... N Nehasri Ravishenbagam March...