has spent a year studying中国高中生约翰 ·李在英国学习了一年。in the UK. Read his article in the school magazine about his school阅读校刊上的关于他国外学校生活的文章。life abroad.旅英学校生活Last year. I had the chance to study at a British secondary 'sekandri school as去年,我有机会作为...
中学的;次要的※英美“初、高中”表达法分别如下:英: secondary school 中学(初中+旅英学校生活高中)Last year, I had the chance to study at a British secondary school as an exchange student.2high school中学去年,我有机会作为交换生到英国的一所中学读书。美 junior high school初中I stayed with a ...
OBSERVANCE OF THE LAW II In the mid-1920s, the powerful warlords of Ethiopia were coming to the realization that a young man of the nobility named Haile Selassie, also known as Ras Tafari, was outcompeting them all and nearing the point where he could proclaim himself their leader, unifying...
2.Theresapostageandpackingfeeinadditiontotherepaircharge. 3.Someappearedonthestage,whileotherspulledstringsbehindthe scenes. 4.Firstofall,couldIbeginwithanapologyforamistakeImadelast week? 5.Wecantaffordacar,nottomentionthefactthatwehaveno garage. ...
Phonological awareness—A subtest from the standardized Alef Ad Taf test (Shany et al.,2006). Participants are instructed to repeat a real word produced by the experimenter and then produce the word a second time, after deleting a requested phoneme, creating a non-word. The task includes 16...
中学的;:i次要的※英美“初、高中”表达法分别如下:英:secondary school 中学(初中+旅英学校生活高中)Last year, I had the chance to study at a British secondary school as an exchange student.2high school中学去年,我有机会作为交换生到英国的一所中学读书。美junior high school初中I stayed with a ...
Extended-reading1Extended reading A John Li, a Chinese senior high school student, has spent a year studying in the UK. Read his article in the school magazine about his school life abroad.中国高中生约翰·李在英国学习了一年。读一读他在校刊上的关于他国外学校生活的文章。①have a/the chance ...
سنة /sana/ year يوم /yawm/ day شهر /shahr/ month شعر /shi’r/ poetry أدب /’adab/ literature قصيدة /qasida/ poem عظمة /’athma/ bone حركة /haraka/ movement مفصل /mifsal/ joint حجة /haj...
②bridge/narrow/closethegap消除或缩小差距gapyear间隔年(大学和高中之间的空档,常见于西方国家)agrowing/wideninggap不断加大的差距generationgap代沟atradegap贸易差额anagegap年龄差距 【即学即用】完成句子①他们计划缩小进出口的差额。Theyplannedtobetweenimportsandexports.?②两位候选人在民意测验中只有很小的差距。
2. The town, famous for an ancient building, wasfounded(创建) in the 12thcentury. 3. Our house isdecorated(装饰) with red and green at Christmas. 4. The last eruptionof this volcano lasted over a year, bringing a hugedisaster(灾难) to the surrounding areas. 5. Today, if you have so...