Kids can backslide during the summer months and it's important to keep them reading during this time. Reading helps with comprehension, vocabulary, critical thinking skills, and much more. These free summer reading programs encourage kids to read by offering them small incentives, such as free bo... has lots of professionally translated stuff for kids and adults. Nearly all the texts are available in audio and text version, and all of it is available for download or online viewing without any required logins. You can also browse the site in English: http...
If your child is beginning to read chapter books and likes funny stories, here is a list of kids' all-time favorite books similar to "Captain Underpants."
The "Write Stuff" for Preventing and Treating Writing Disabilities- Written language disabilities are prevalent in children with learning disabilities. Although reading disabilities are often identified sooner than writing disabilities, writing disabilities are more persistent. This article focuses on early in...
“I love it when Jack and Luke bring up a story or character that we previously read months later. Like the stuff we are reading actually sticks with them.” —Shannon, mom to Jack, age 10, and Luke, age 7 “When Joaquin asks me what a meaning of a word is. We went over the ...
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Great stories for K-4th grade that also feature gender-independent and trans-identified kids. by S. Bear Bergman and 397 backers What is going on in Canada?! First, I find What Makes A Baby and now this! Project We Love CASH Music Platform We're building a totally free platform ...
Check out the huge list of FREE Summer Reading Programs for Kids 2024 available this year. Barnes & Noble, Scholastic, Chuck E Cheese!
Amazing stuff, this reading to children! In fact, children’s author and literacy expertMem Foxspeaks and writes about the magic of reading aloud and has even written a book calledReading Magic. American writerJim Treleasealso speaks about the huge benefits of reading aloud and describes, inThe...
“You see now the Internet develops so much; for example, there are lots of stuff on cellphones, and young people know everything. But I find that I do not know how to shop online, and I do not use Alipay either when I go out to buy things.” (Grandmother, G-2102) “I neve...