No, I intend to talk here about “real” psychics. The kind you can count on. The ones who have genuine talent and are ready to offer you their services because they really have the capacity to do so, and nothing makes them happier than to be able to help you out doing something tha...
One important point is to remember that 99% of advertising or non advertising psychics are merely bored housewives who "do readings" as a hobby. These housewives have no real skills, knowledge or experience, most of them do less web tarot, psychic medium and online clairvoyant readings in a ...
The difference between a psychic and an Intuitive is awareness vs. supernatural. Intuitive uses awareness and insight, whereas psychics are more in tune with their supernatural abilities. Both use their third eye to receive answers, and they have talents in one or all of the Clairs, “Claircog...
JeanNicole has been writing poetry and short stories since she was a child, but has always aspired to compose a novel. The Secret Keepers, the first story in what will be a series of Black Water Tales, is her first novel. Most recently, Ms. Rivers won 3rd place in the National Black ...