Keywords: Digital Education · Literacy · Philippines 1 Introduction Over the years, various research studies have been conducted to explain the problems in learners' poor reading comprehension. The comprehension process is the heart of reading, making this a valuable skill that needs to be mastered...
Then, he explains “The idea is modelled on historic volcanic explosions, such as that of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1992, which led to a short-term cooling of global temperatures by 0.5oC. So, the “earlier natural phenomenon” is “historic volcanic explosions”. • based on=...
Morocco is a multilingual country with a diverse culture. When it participated in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) for the first time, its reading literacy scores ranked relatively low in the test. Employing hierarchical linear mod
In the Philippines, I was part of a LitWorld team that worked with a group of teenagers who seemed far older than their 16 years, many of them already acting as parents for their younger siblings. As mature and grown-up as they had to be, when I read aloud Bill and Pete by Tomie ...
FALSEif the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVENIf there is no information on this 1Early Maori healers learned their skills through studying written texts. 2The first Europeans in New Zealand were surprised by how long the Maori lived. ...
Specifically, this study aimed to find answers to the following sub- problems: 1. What are the reading levels of Grade VI learners in Gubat South District as revealed in PHIL IRI? 2. What are the teaching strategies used by the teachers in Gubat South District in teaching reading? 3. ...
Placeyourselfinotherpeople?sshoes.It'seasytoonlyconsider theimpactoftheotherperson's"telling"onyou.Butyoumustopenout andlookattheproblemsfromtheotherperson,sview.2 Avoidcomparingtheperson'sexperiencestoyourown.Youmay thinkthatthebestthingyoucandotoreallylistenistocomparethe person'sexperiencestoyourown.But...
improvements in various aspects of their students’ English skills, including reading, writing and vocabulary. In another quasi-experimental study, Mariano et al. (2020) determined the effects of ER on reading comprehension of primary students in the Philippines. The researchers used a pre-and post...
MagellanwasaPortugueseexplorer.HepersuadedthekingofSpaintosupport hisplantotravelaroundtheworldbysea.Heandhiscrewovercamemany difficultiestosailwestfromSpainacrosstheAtlanticandPacificoceans. Unfortunately,Magellanwaskilledinaconflictwiththelocalpeopleinthe Philippines.Hisfellowmencontinuedtosailandaboutoneyearlater,thesu...
They posit that, historically, reading research has been guided by specific problems and aspects of reading, rather than by the testing of specific theories. In an attempt to synthesise available, influential theoretical models of reading, Perfetti and Staffura developed the ‘reading systems ...