Reading and vocabulary阅读与词汇1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you. 结对活动。 问并回答问题。 使用方框中的单词来帮助你。作比较Arnwick countryside乡村 field田地 flat/flaet/公寓 hospital医院Before:The population job工作office办公室 rubbish/rAbIf/...
【题目】Reading and vocabulary1 Read the passage and match the people with the pictures.What are you going to do? A I'm looking forward to the football match tomorrow. My friends and I are going to watch our favourite team. We're going to meet other fans, and make some new friends.W...
Reading & Vocabulary (3)Reading&Vocabulary(3)Readthepassageandanswerthequestions.1.Whatareafter-schoolactivities?Canyougivesomeexamples?Activitiesthattakeplacewhenschool hasfinished.Forexample:baseball.2.Whyareafter-schoolactivitiesconsideredsoimportant?Becausetheydevelopsocialskills suchasleadership,andallow studen...
1、Reading and vocabulary外研版外研版高一年级高一年级(必修必修4)Module 3Look at the following pictures and guess what we will learn in the class. Read the text quickly and choose the best title.p 1 Saying It Without Wordsp 2 When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do 入乡随俗入乡随俗p 3 ...
编辑于星期日:十四点二十分。Para1 Choosethebestanswers.1.Whatdoestheword“communication”meaninthepassage?A.Wordsandsentences.B.Unconsciousbodylanguage.C.“Learned”bodylanguage.DD.Alloftheabove.第八页,编辑于星期日:十四点二十分。Para22.“Shakinghands”meansallthefollowing EXCEPT“___”.
教材原文地道译文Reading and vocabulary阅读与词汇Work in pairs. Talk about a great1结对练习。 谈论一个你知道的伟大natural wonder you know. Use the words 。。in the box to help you.helow/br'l5o deep f fantastic high在下深的极好的long natural shine fam sign ain高的 长的 大自然的silent/'...
She. LAO SHE 老舍 1957 1957 1924 1924 1918 1918 1913 1913 1899 born in Beijing 1899出生在北京 参考答案 wrote Teahouse; left home and went to England; finished school and became the head teacher of a primary school; went to a teacher's school 4) Complete the passage with the words in...
aBasic Settings 基本的设置[translate] anaturallady naturallady[translate] aegress 外出[translate] aWord Attack, Reading Vocabulary, Passage Comprehension,Letter-Word Identification, and Reading Fluency. 词攻击,读词汇量,段落领悟,信件词证明和读流畅。[translate]...
Reading and Vocabulary(1)2.Belowisthesummaryofthetextwithsomewordsmissing.Choosethewordsfromtheboxandmakethesummarycomplete.banquet,canteen,coldfood,choudoufu,dishes,everypart,mix,polite Passage1IthinktheChinesethinktoomuchaboutfood.Icametothisconclusionata(n)1._b_a_n_q_u_e_t_inBeijingin1998.banque...
Direct Ss to read the first paragraph of the passage and answer the questions. 1. What is Worried Friend’s problem? 2. What suggestions does Susan Luo give to Worried Friend? 3. Besides suggestions, what else does...