read aloud | read out loud (verb): to read audibly, not silently, so that other people, if present, could hear reading level (noun): grade that defines one's reading ability (levels may be shown, for example, as: beginner to advanced; low to high; numerically 1 to 5) scan (verb)...
Findings indicate that differences in word frequency had a localized effect on target reading time when reading both silently and out loud. Differences in spoken vowel duration, however, produced asymmetrical patterns of results. During silent reading there was a difference in viewing time on the ...
The class and teacher read out loud together and someone points out words/phrases. Students work in pairs. One reads aloud while the other points. They switch roles. Students read silently for comprehension. Make sure to do at least one of the activities below before and/or after EACH LEVEL...
Silently we clinked our glasses together in a little toast. “Thanks for the drinks,” Haruki said, and happily gulped the cold beer. I thought this was odd to say, since he brought the beer, but I went with it. Maybe he had charged them to my room? I drank some as well. ...
The truth is, your eyes can deceive you — and this is especially true if you're reading on a screen, where your eyes are quick to tire. You'd be surprised at how many mistakes you can spot reading something out loud vs. reading it silently in your head. A bonus tip here is to ...
Reading your written work aloud will help you hear and see errors you might skim over by reading silently. Reading out loud forces your eyes to see every word. Reading orally also forces your mind to engage with each word. Not only does reading out loud help you catch errors, but doing ...
The flight out was at 3500′, then we descended to 1000′ over the Blue Hole, and went as low as 700′ to see the shipwreck. Whether or not you enjoy flying in small airplanes, the scenery is absolutely stunning; watching the pilot and silently judging his airmanship was just an added...
Students were prompted to read year-level passages out loud or silently and respond to comprehension questions asked by the examiner. Final scores represented the total number of accurate responses. Following the norms in the test manual, raw scores were converted to standard age scores. WIAT-III...
Today, we found out that there are [at least] two things that are decidedly allowed (or, looking at it another way, are certainly not prohibited): Posing, motionless and silently, as statues in the lobby. Displaying posters on the doors of the CRC classroom. ...
1against(Line1)___akeepdoingsomething2tiredout(Line2)___bverysmall3tie(Line5)___cfinishwhatyouhavetriedtodo4tiny(Line9)___dverytired5continue(Line13)___ehittingsomething6manage(Line16)___fholdthingstogetherwithropesedfbacReadsilentlyandmatchthewordswiththemeaningsReadandmatch 030201Characters(人...