William Somerset Maugham 威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆 (1874-1965) 毛姆是下述一切的总和: 一个孤僻的孩子,一个医学院的学生,一个富有创造力的小说家,一个放荡不羁的巴黎浪子, 一个成功的伦敦西区戏剧家,一个英国社会名流,一个一战时在弗兰德斯前线的“文学家救护车 司机”,一个潜入俄国工作的英国间谍,一个同性恋...
The painted mask bySomerset Maugham I had no illusions about you,” he said. “I knew you were silly and frivolous and empty-headed. But I loved you. I knew that your aims and ideals were vulgar and commonplace. But I loved you. I knew that you were second-rate. But I loved you....
#读你的感觉像春天#《Reading notes》 W. Somerset Maugham 虽然我并不反对阅读是一座随身携带的避难所这个说法,甚至相反我还很赞同,但我还是对把毛姆这本读书笔记兼文豪们的花边新闻集翻译成这个名字还是欠确切。当然这和毛姆无关,要怪也怪这个在第一章就取义哗众的译者. 小说家难免会将个人的喜好和理想投射到...
notes-from-dynamicland-programming-raspberry-pis notification-system-thinking-concept-and-Implementation on-on-librety on-the-road on-the-way-beijing on-the-way-home on-the-way-to-summer-camp on-the-way open-edx-cn-sandbox open-edx-course-data-explore open-edx-custom-and-git-r...
South Sea Stories by Somerset Maugham, Jack London, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Dean Frisbie, Herman Melville and others :: Cook Islands | Aug-Sept 1990 Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller :: Moorea, Tahiti | Aug 1990. read pretty much everything by Miller in these years. Man and His Sy...
Notes of Text II T2-note-the cannon the canon (Paragraph 1) those works, authors, etc. accepted as major or essential Notes of Text II T2-note-why is so Why ... is everyone so hot under the collar about what to put on the required-reading shelf? (Paragraph 2) Why ... is ...
Maughams fun reading method Einsteins total, divide, total three step reading method Yu Qiuyus esteemed friend reading method Gu Yanwu taught himself to read Qin Mu advocated the cow chewing and swallowed Edit the passage and read the book (1) extensive reading, extensive reading, that is, ...
W. Somerset Maugham's "Rain" is my favorite short story, and if I ran the zoo it would be the official greatest short story of all time. Maugham's novels have never really done it for me, but his stories are amazing distillations of human nature. An earlier post referred to the "ic...
past, two storylines that don’t run parallel, but come closer and closer together until they meet as we reach the conclusion of the book. But Lawhon doesn’t stop at the conclusion - she also provides copious historical notes and explains how this story came to be inspired and finally ...
— W. Somerset Maugham “Always look on the bright side of life. Otherwise it’ll be too dark to read.” — Unknown “I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go into the library and read a good book.” — Groucho Marx “Reading is a start...