Or, one dial may represent ten feet, 'another inches for each foot, and a third dial may represent one hundred feet, but divided into increments of ten feet each. The invention contemplates novel means for mounting the stepped up indicator upon the measuring device, which novel means is ...
Peak reading meters, popular in Europe for years, are just now coming into greater favor in America, and for good reason. The main purpose for having a VU meter is obviously to monitor signal levels going to a tape recorder, reverb unit, or some other level-sensitive device, to help opti...
Measure your flex frame. We'll need to make a casing exactly the right length and width. Mine is a tiny one for my tiny ‘out and about' reading glasses, just 6cm, about 2.25 inches long. The height is half an inch. A standard size would be 3.5 inches. Cut pieces of fabric for ...
While disk and optical storage have overtaken magnetic tape as the most popular method of storing data in a computer, tape is still used occasionally – in particular for keeping archive copies of important files. The main drawback of magnetic tape is that it is not very efficient for accessin...
You can find out your shirt size with the measurements provided in the chart above. To take the measurements, you'll need a measuring tape and a notepad. Place the tape flat and keep your posture straight while taking measurements. Remember to measure in inches to match the men's shirt si...