Our Laboratory for Literacy: Reading Instruction in the PhilippinesKorwin, Wendy
A passage was about literacy issues in rural areas of Australia. 2018-02-24: Section 1 (Ethiopia; Nigeria) A passage about geology and lake tsunamis focusing on a lake tsunami that happened near Geneva in the 6th century. 2018-02-24: Section 2 (Ethiopia; Nigeria) A passage about Tasmanian...
As the constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Article XIV Section 2 states that “ The state shall establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and the society”. 2 This is primarily the basis of the ...
In the Philippines, I was part of a LitWorld team that worked with a group of teenagers who seemed far older than their 16 years, many of them already acting as parents for their younger siblings. As mature and grown-up as they had to be, when I read aloud Bill and Pete by Tomie ...
PHILIPPINESREADING ability testingLITERACY programsREADING materialsRANDOMIZED responseSTANDARD deviationsWe show that a short-term (31-day) reading program, designed to provide age-appropriate reading material, to train teachers in their use, and to support teachers' initial efforts for ab...
This chapter shows to which extent two textbooks published by one of the leading publishers in the Philippines realize their goal of promoting a more critical approach to reading. Guided by the principles of critical literacy, content analysis reveals that despite the wide range of universally ...
This chapter shows to which extent two textbooks published by one of the leading publishers in the Philippines realize their goal of promoting a more critical approach to reading. Guided by the principles of critical literacy, content analysis reveals that despite the wide range of universally ...
in the Philippines as evaluated by Scholastic Inc., the world's largest publisher and distributor of children's books.Scholastic-Philippines has been emerging as a leader in educational technology and literacy education as it has been working to address the mismatch between readers' ability and the...
and various forms of support for students’ learning. The Philippines opted not to answer the parent questionnaire but had school heads answer the school questionnaire. Overall, the PISA 2018 assessment provides a wide range of factors related to students and their home and school backgrounds and ...