Between the memoirs we never quite got around to and the new fiction we've been buying but not reading, below, find the titles that have ended up on our holiday reading list for 2024. 1. Blue Sisters, Coco Mellors The summer holidays are usually filled with family, so what better time...
读这本书的意义是,我有两位喜欢的相声老师,在2024年一位获得牡丹奖,一位获牡丹奖提名,以此方式表达对你们的祝贺与喜爱。 《沉默的羔羊》 这个名字会有人感到陌生吗?大概不会。在我的记忆里,似乎能追溯到十年前就想去读这部小说,当时触碰过没能有足够的兴趣读下去,大概会有一个印象——扭曲且深刻。至于知道是...
If you haven’t already, I would highly recommend you add this to your reading list. You do not have to be an AI or tech professional to want to learn more about the world we live in with technological advancements - you’re just doing the right preparation and learning for it. If th...
securitycuratedowaspapplication-securitysecurity-expertsreading-list UpdatedJul 8, 2024 PHP Reading list for research topics in multimodal machine learning machine-learningnatural-language-processingreinforcement-learningcomputer-visiondeep-learningroboticshealthcarereading-listrepresentation-learningspeech-processingmultim...
书单|MIT 2024 Summer Business Reading List📚 名校暑期书单系列 002麻省理工学院教职员工在过去的一年里出版了大量书籍、文章和文学作品。我们特意挑选了一些关于商业的书籍跟大家分享。这些书的作者大部分都是 Sloan 商学院的讲师,说不定就有你认识的老师!...
每年夏天,我校都会发布Summer Reading List,由励滕伯克曼English Literature英语文学部门几位教师推荐他们觉得最经典的阅读书目,从小说到非小说类,从回忆录到历史到文学理论等等不同类型。 我校鼓励学生们利用暑期时光,不断增加阅读量,度过一个充实而有...
A beloved tradition at Danaher is our annual reading list – a short selection of books that speak to where our company is going and how we’re going to get there. Last year, we chose books about science and human health, consistent with Danaher’s evolution into a pure-play global ...
K-12 Reading List – recommended children’s books This website aims to provide exciting, stimulating, and engaging reading recommendations for children in Elementary, Middle, and High School. The lists, one for each grade, are designed for parents, teachers, school administrators, librarians, and...
What are you thankful for? No matter what language you speak, there are many things to be thankful for. Kids are challenged to find things they are thankful for, just like the young boy in this simple picture book by one of the best-known Hispanic authors for children. ...
每年夏天,美国大学都会发布Summer Reading List,由不同教授或校友推荐自己最喜欢的或觉得最经典的阅读书目,从小说到非小说类,从回忆录到历史到文学理论。 今年被推荐的有哪些“好书”呢?今天先一起来看一看斯坦福大学的推荐吧! Fiction ...